plastic materials Plastic raw materials and polymers supplier for the European Market
About Us



Our Mission

Support companies of all sizes, to improve their supply of raw materials, useful for the realization of the production cycle. We guarantee the material's quality and the efficiency of the budget allocated to purchases.


Our Goal

Our goal is to become one of the industry's premium partners, by developing an efficient presence onto the European Market. We invest in the R&D of new materials to grant our clients those benefits coming from investing into susteinability.


Our Success

By monitoring the global market we are able to verify the correctness of our strategies. Our track record can be verified, handling large quantities while paying attention to the smallest detail, we are able to provide our clients with successful results.






Our business' quality control revolves around monitoring standard procedures, useful for maintaing the materials' compliance parameters and their perfomance. Particular attention is dedicated towards maintaing high quality levels for each and every one of the products' batches in order to guarantee the utmost efficiency during the transformation stage in which our products will be used.


Commercial Services

We have developed an international commercial structure, which allows us to deliver our materials in every country of the EU after just 10 days since the order confirmation. We enhance every step of the supply chain, through partnership with multiple specialized companies in order to guarantee an easy and functional purchase experience to our clients.


Technical Services

Our Technical Department ensures control, the R&D of new materials, and continously assesses solutions to improve the products' technical charateristics. Responsible for evaluating the supplies, optimizing the productive process and solving technical issues, the department works closely with the suppliers and the other branches to guarantee the excellency of our products.


Company Values

Our organization is born from the enterpreneurial spirit of a team composed of engineers and project managers with a proven experience across different sectors, in an increasingly globalized world which may overwhelm those companies operating in the EU. Thanks to the multidisciplinairity of our teams' competences 24PS is able to achieve success.